Q: Where are Redner’s stores located?
A: We have 44 warehouse markets and 20 quick shoppes throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware. Click here for our locations.
Q: What is Redner’s Coupon Policy?
A: Our coupon acceptance policy is available here for you to review.
Q: What happened to a product I used to purchase but is no longer available?
A: If you cannot find a particular item, it may be possible that this item is available to us, but we are not ordering it because we are unaware of your request for it or it has been out of stock through our current supplier. We can look into its availability and make changes to the ordering schedule as necessary if the item is available to us. Contact us or speak with our store director and he or she can research the request as well.
Q: Do I need to purchase a membership or carry a club or preferred shoppers card to shop at Redner’s?
A: No. All of our prices are available for all of our customers to receive. No card is needed to get the lowest possible price as all of our customers are preferred customers!
Q: How do I get a Redner’s Rewards card and how does the program work?
A: You can receive a Redner’s Rewards card at any Redner’s Warehouse Market or Quick Shoppe. Click here to review our program and participating stations.
Q: How do I check the balance on my Redner’s Gift Card?
A: You can check the balance of your Redner’s Gift card by calling toll-free at 1-866-650-6049.
Q: Do I need to purchase all three items if a sale is noted as a 3/$5 sales promotion?
A: No. We charge the same sale price for items included in a sales promotion.*
*excluding soda sales, Pick 5 for $19.95, Fresh 4 for $20 and Pick 3 for $9.99 meat / deli promotions.
Q: Can I open a Redner’s as a franchise?
A: No. Redner’s is a privately held company and we do not offer franchise agreements.
Q: Can I purchase stock in Redner’s?
A: We are 100% Employee owned and no public stock offerings are available unless employed by Redner’s. Click here for employment opportunities.
Q: How can I tell you about a great location for a Redner’s?
A: We get around but cannot get everywhere! We are always looking for customers to suggest new sites and have built stores based on customer suggestions. Use our contact page and include specifics about the property or area and we will take actions!
Q: How do I apply for a position with Redner’s?
A: All employment applications are taken online.
Q: How do I get Redner’s sales circular?
A: We distribute our sales circular through local newspapers and mail. You can pick up an advance copy in our store the Saturday before our new sales cycle begins. If you are on our website reading this, we suggest you use our interactive circular found here!
Q: Why does my bank say that Redner’s is “holding” pre-authorization funds?
A: We occasionally receive questions regarding charges that appear on on-line banking or voice response systems that are not equal to the amount of gas purchased. The amounts are usually $75 or $175. These entries on your bank inquiry are typically called pending charges or pre-authorization holds by your bank. These type charges are controlled and applied to consumer bank accounts by the customer’s bank. Redner’s, as all other gas providers, does not place holds on customer accounts. We follow the rules and guidelines of the card associations (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, etc.) in the manner that we obtain card validation information prior to turning on the gas pump.
Each Bank, Savings Bank, Savings & Loan, and/or Credit Union may handle the request for card validation information in a different manner. Some will create “holds” on funds for gas purchases – the amount, as well as the number of days the hold may appear, will vary, and the number of days the hold lasts will vary. Your financial institution should be able to provide you with their policies. These are typically found in a document titled “Deposit Account Agreement” or “Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement”. If the question is related to a credit card account, the document may be called a “Truth in Lending” or a “Credit Account Agreement”.
All of this information will not solve your issue if there is a hold on your account, but hopefully will help you with the conversation you may have with your bank.
Q: From where does Redner’s Quick Shoppes procure its gasoline products?
A: Redner’s purchases refined fuels from a variety of distributors such as Sunoco or Petroleum Products etc. We do not know or control where the crude oil or gasoline comes from. Currently, the leading supplier of crude oil to the U.S. is Canada, followed by Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico and the United Kingdom. However, because crude oil is transported to the U.S. from so many places and immediately “mixed” in tanks and petroleum pipelines for transportation to the refineries, it’s impossible to determine exactly “where” the crude oil came from. Likewise, in most areas of the U.S. gasoline from different refiners is mixed together for transportation by a common pipeline network. Additionally, a gallon of gasoline may be traded several times before reaching its final destination, further complicating tracking a gallon’s origin.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of Redner’s Markets, Inc. HIPAA notice of privacy practices?
A: Click here to go to our Rx page.